Nobody Move! Without Television There is no Nation
Morelos I, Satellites, Televisa, Telecommunications, Space debrisAbstract
In this essay we will show the social and political assemblage that made possible the first Mexican satellite called Morelos I, which symbolically marks Mexico’s entry into the neoliberal era and the empowerment of Televisa as the producer of the Mexican hegemonic visuality. Through a brief contextual review, we will locate some of the symbolic, political, economic, material and technological paradoxes that drove and made possible the existence of Morelos I during its eight years of life. Based on this, we propose an exploration of four topics that can help us look at the Morelos I framework. First: The dazzling media corresponding to the audiovisual culture that formed the identity of a nation. Second: The political irradiation, whose magnitude produced a generalized social displeasure thanks to the government in office’s decisions. Third: The economic shadow under which the project was financed. A huge investment for the purchase of the satellites that did not cover the necessary technological structure required on the ground. Finally: The remoteness and technological obscurity with which this type of devices operate, that makes them unintelligible and undecipherable objects, invisible to the vast majority of the population.
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