The inagraphy with photographic appearance in the art of the 21st century
photography, artificial intelligence, visual arts, inagrafíaAbstract
Artificial intelligence has introduced completely new procedures and technologies in the visual arts, constituting an emerging field of artistic exploration in 21st century art. Among them, the use of deep learning algorithms to generate images with the appearance of photography is generating great controversy in the artistic, cultural and social spheres. The objective of this work is to develop a conceptual framework that favors reflection on the use of artificial intelligence applied to the creation of images with a photographic appearance. In this context, the neologism «inagraphy» is introduced, defined as a procedure or technique that allows obtaining still images through an artificial intelligence system. Its differentiation with photography is essential to understand the contributions of this new technology to visual art. The development of this study offers a holistic vision for the analysis of inagraphic creation and for the debate on the present and the future of art in all its dimensions.
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