Homes for Spain. Colonization Towns
Colonization, architecture, utopian, biopolitics of franquismoAbstract
The Homes for Spain Project. Colonization Towns deals with the utopian-totalitarian experiment that were the more than 300 colonization towns spread over 27 Spanish provinces built by the Franco dictatorship between 1945-1970. They were built with the aim of mitigating the ravages of war, transforming the land distribution policy of the Second Republic into a colonization policy, and converting dry land into irrigated land. This required the construction of roads, highways, reservoirs, canals, ditch-es and towns that would radically change the rural landscape. The magnitude of these hydraulic works and the lack of ?nancing in the autarchic period prolonged the con-struction of these towns until well into the 1950s. These towns were also an architectural, urban and social experiment. Rationalist archi-tecture would adapt to this national spirit, in these towns the archetype of the new Spanish man would be forged: rural, hard-working, devoted and with many children.
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