Domesticated nature. The configuration of the garden in experimental cinema and video creation




garden, experimental film, videoart, lyrical cinema, expanded cinema


In experimental cinema and videoart, going to gardens to develop an audiovisual artistic practice turns out to be a habitual fact that allows us to observe the motivations and inspiration generated by these natural spaces domesticated by human beings. Representing a garden with sounds and moving images is an artistic approach to another creation previously generated on a given piece of land. The new work documents a place proposing an interpretation conditioned by the tools used. Cinema and video used from artistic perspectives offer readings that concern the aesthetics of the registered territories, involving the tradition of film experimentation and assuming the impulse of the expansive tendencies of video art. This article proposes a set of conceptual itineraries based on various films and videos that visit gardens with the aim of understanding their idiosyncrasy and the link that is established in them between nature and the human.


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How to Cite

Alcoz, A. (2022). Domesticated nature. The configuration of the garden in experimental cinema and video creation. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 4(5).

