Márgenes Editores. A map to explore the territories of architecture and contemporary culture
editorial design, edition, Architecture, Architecture MagazinesAbstract
This visual essay wants, on the one hand, to draw an unprecedented map to go through more than a decade of the Márgenes project, which has evolved from a periodical publication on architecture and culture to become an independent publishing house focused on poetry and the plastic arts. On the other hand, to reflect on change, reinvention and mutation, both in content and in form, of a self-managed editorial concept, free and subject only to the course of its creators.
Márgenes Arquitectura, the original germ of the editorial project, is a periodical publication with two different stages. The first consists of nine monographic issues: 01 Urban Recycling, 02 Granada, here, now, 03 Coasts, 04 North Europe, 05 Cemetery, 06 New York, here, now, 07 Industrial Archaeology, 08 The School of Granada and 09 The Asian margin. The structure of these first issues is developed in three parts: the body of the magazine, which responds to a monographic title that gives meaning and guides the rest of the publication, where various built architectural projects are presented in detail; the central part, Drawn Architecture, which includes examples of final year projects from national and international schools; and the last part, Marginal Contents, in which transversal matters that cross the architectural discipline are dealt with.
The second stage of Márgenes Arquitectura expands both the format of the magazine and the depth of the articles. Their issues, for the time being, include the following titles: 10 Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas and 11 Arquitectura & fashion. At this stage, the magazine dispenses with end-of-course projects and commits to converting Marginal Contents, into the first collection of books by Márgenes Editores. The evolution and change is also manifested in the formal, seeking an investigation in the design, parallel to that of the contents.
Poetry, plastic arts and stories are the main bets of the publishing house, which counts among its publications poets such as Luis García Montero, Lara López and José Miguel Gómez Acosta, artists such as Francisco Carreño and Jordi Esteva, and emerging young figures such as Paula Puigmartí .
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