On the link – between an artisan, farmer, among others, Guaraní (Nhandéva) and a contemporary visual artist from Sao Paulo – that caused the emergency of artistic-cultural projects in co-authorship
guarani; contemporary art; intercultural; dourados; indigenism.Abstract
The relationship between an artisan Guaraní-Nhandéva and a visual artist from Sao Paulo, in the Indigenous Reserve of Dourados, spontaneously gave rise to co-authored artistic-cultural projects. In order to reflect on the link that formed an interface, able to interact with both worldviews, an effort is made to apprehend what’s «cultural inherence» to Guaraní view. This exercise leads to assign «socio-political resistance» as a conductive element, perceived just as a symptom of an imposed historical conjunction. Even so, «discursive content» appears as a property more essential to Guaraní culture than «style» or «support», which allows identifying that the «backyard farm» theme is useful to represent Amerindians Kaiowá and Guaraní cultures in a non-stereotyped way in art projects.
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