Now all the world’s a sage

From the Marshall McLuhan Galaxy to the Susan Buck-Morss Constellations




McLuhan, Buck-Morss, Activism, Socio-cultural Activism


This visual essay is composed of a constellation of images and words/images obtained from social networks. The logic is provided by the digital system and its formulation is the result of the redundant use of digital technology itself through desktop publishing and publishing programs. We proceed on the basis of two ideas: the first states that the global community is a collage/assembly of images where the medium is the massage that creates a value system based on perceptions; and the second states that we need to open up depth of field and slow down our perceptive acts so that the images allow us to build a common place of political action. Our guides have been the philosopher and theorist Marshall McLuhan and the philosopher and intellectual historian Susan Buck-Morss.


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Buck-Morss, S. (2013, 12 de abril). Visual Studies and Global Imagination.

Buck-Morss, S. (2015, 17 de octubre). Seeing Global.

McLuhan, M. Mcluhanism. Recuperado el 4 de diciembre de 2020 en:

McLuhan, M. & Fiore, Q. (2008). The Medium is the Massage. London: Penguin Design Series.

Sempere, P. (1975). La Galaxia McLuhan. Valencia: Fernando Torres Editor.



How to Cite

Martínez, G., & Díaz Jiménez, S. (2020). Now all the world’s a sage: From the Marshall McLuhan Galaxy to the Susan Buck-Morss Constellations. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 2(3), 243–264.