Social Curation in Artistic context: Speaking and Acting at the Sullivan Galleries of the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago
Social practice, socially committed art, pedagogical curation, decoloniality., Social practice, Socially committed art, pedagogical curation, decolonialityAbstract
This article presents the curatorial practice of Talking to Action. Art, Pedagogy, and Activism in the Americas, as it passed through Sullivan Galleries, the art gallery of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2018. This exhibition was dedicated to socially engaged artistic practices in the American continent. Thus, this text analyzes the curatorial modes developed ad hoc to exhibit twenty-two projects from various geographical origins through decolonial logics and methods, learned through the study of the selected works and their artistic production methodologies.
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Entrevista con Bill Kelley Jr., 25 de marzo de 2021.
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