A First Approach to the Characterization of Accounting Forensic Reports (English-Spanish) in Legal Settings Through a Corpus-Based Methodology


  • Elena Alcalde Peñalver a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:22:"Universidad de Alcalá";} Spain
  • Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta Spain




corpus, accounting forensic report, legal-economic translation


The globalization of markets and the increasing commercial exchange between countries has led to a rise in legal claims due to problems related to fraud. This has made forensic auditing particularly relevant in legal settings, as well as the accounting forensic reports that arise from its activity, which have thus become a regular task in legal-economic translation. For this reason, the aim of this paper is to provide an approach to the characterization of an accounting forensic report by using an ad hoc comparable corpus (English-Spanish) , which will allow us to detail the macrostructure and microstructure of this text and analyze the main terminological units found for this language combination. This will provide specific details on the main characteristics of these documents as a previous step for their translation.


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How to Cite

Alcalde Peñalver, E., & Santamaría Urbieta, A. (2020). A First Approach to the Characterization of Accounting Forensic Reports (English-Spanish) in Legal Settings Through a Corpus-Based Methodology. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (24), 167–190. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2020.v0i24.9350


