A Collaborative, Didactic and Profession-Oriented Project Based on the Translation of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets





collaborative teaching-learning, translation, poetry, William Shakespeare


This essay addresses an innovative and collaborative didactic experience in the field of literary translation. The project took place within Advanced Literary Translation, an optional subject in the last year of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting of the University of Alicante. The main literary aim was to provide a multiple and comprehensive approach to Shakespeare's Sonnets from which the readers could attain a detailed view of the poems from various and complementary angles. To this end, we performed a double translation, in prose and verse, completed by a rhetorical analysis and a synopsis of each sonnet. All this was done in order to contribute some added value to already existing translations, none of which provides this combination. The main didactic aim was to place the students in a real professional situation, with a specific commission, in order to empower them (Kiraly, 2001, 2005, 2014). Under the supervision of and with feedback from the teacher, the methodology was based on horizontal group work with the idea that this would enhance collaboration and quality control through peer revision (Pietrzak, 2014). To this, a distribution of specific roles for each translation was added, with students alternatively acting as publisher, translator, documentalist and proof editor in each group. The publication of the results in a real book by a professional publisher was the final result sought. Apart from the dialectic process of horizontal and vertical feedbacks, an anonymous questionnaire was administered to elicit the students' degree of satisfaction and alternative didactic strategies. The project was further sanctioned by an external expert agent, the publisher, for whom the actual launching of the book involved putting his economic resources and prestige at stake.


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Author Biography

Javier Franco Aixela, Universidad de Alicante

Javier Franco Aixelá es profesor titular del Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Alicante, donde imparte traducción literaria, documentación, deontología y teoría de la traducción. 

Durante 12 años (1983-1995), trabajó como traductor profesional y como tal ha publicado más de 30 libros para diversas editoriales.

Fue coordinador del Doctorado de Traducción de la UA, al que el Ministerio de Educación concedió la mención de calidad.  Igualmente, fue miembro fundador y director de la revista MonTI (Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación), publicada conjuntamente por las tres universidades púbicas de la Comunidad Valenciana.

Su principal campo de investigación ha girado en torno a cuestiones bibliométricas, la teoría de la traducción, la traducción médica y los elementos culturales, con una cincuentena de publicaciones al respecto. En la actualidad, lleva más de una década centrado en la investigación bibliográfica y bibliométrica, campo en el que gestiona y explota una base de datos bibliográfica accesible en línea, BITRA (Bibliografía de Interpretación y Traducción), la mayor del mundo, con más de 76.000 entradas en septiembre de 2019.


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Kelly, Dorothy (2005): A Handbook for Translator Trainers, Mánchester: St Jerome.

Kiraly, Donald Charles (1995): Pathways to Translation. Pedagogy and Process, Kent: Kent State University Press.

Kiraly, Donald Charles (2001): «Towards a Constructivist Approach to Translator Education», Quaderns. Revista De Traducció, 6, 50-53.

Kiraly, Donald Charles (2005): «Project-Based Learning: A Case for Situated Translation», Meta, 50/4, 1098-1111.

Kiraly, Donald Charles (2014): «From Assumptions about Knowing and Learning to Praxis in Translator Education», inTRAlinea, (s.p.).

Lave, Jean & Etienne Wenger (1991): Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lobato Patricio, Julia (2013): «Propuesta didáctica para las clases de traducción especializada: El aprendizaje basado en proyectos», Tonos Digital, 25, (s.p.).

Marco Borillo, Josep (2016): «On the margins of the profession: the work placement as a site for the literary translator trainee’s legitimate peripheral participation», The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT), 10/1, 29-43.

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How to Cite

Franco Aixela, J., Masseau, P., Flores Fuentes, I., & Pérez Bernal, M. (2020). A Collaborative, Didactic and Profession-Oriented Project Based on the Translation of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (24), 319–333. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2020.v0i24.6795


