“Dándole a la pluma”: the reception of Winesburg, Ohio (Sherwood Anderson, 1919) in Spain through its translations
pretranslation, sociology of translation, aesthetics of reception, translative analysis of literary texts, twentieth century American literatureAbstract
A literary author’s reception through translation is characterized by the sociology of the translational phenomenon. The preponderance of a specific aesthetic canon and the revolution in reading habits are a faithful reflection of the cultural paradigms in force in the target culture over a period of time, a question which conditions the nature of the translations published and, moreover, the need for new translations. There are also questions intrinsically related to translational reality which influence this process such as market requirements.
This article seeks to analyse the reception of Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio (1919) in Spain through the aforementioned theoretical perspectives. The study pays particular attention to the publishing history of its translations, along with the linguistic characteristics of the first translation (1932) in comparison to the latest Spanish version of the book (2016).
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