Stressors derived from remote simultaneous interpretation: the discussion forum as an identification tool for training




Remote Simultaneous Interpreting, discussion forum, quality in interpreting, interpreting training


Remote Simultaneous Interpreting has become an indispensable tool in the wake of the pandemic, raising a number of questions for interpreting practice and training.In order to identify the professional issues of concern to trainee interpreters, a discussion forum was held focusing on the training preparation of students and their suitability for the current professional context.Among the results, concerns about privacy, technical difficulties, loss of information due to the absence of non-verbal language and limitations due to distance between co-workers stand out. This underlines the need to explore what new training needs must be covered in the face of a professional context full of new challenges.


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How to Cite

Hernández Bella, O. (2023). Stressors derived from remote simultaneous interpretation: the discussion forum as an identification tool for training. Redit - Revista Electrónica De Didáctica De La Traducción Y La Interpretación, (17), 93–105.