Plato in Basel
Dimensions of the interpretation of Platonism in Nietzsche and Foucault
Nietzsche, Plato, Foucault, Parrhesia, Care of the SelfAbstract
In recent years, we have witnessed a growing interest in the cross-reading of the work of Nietzsche and Foucault around the common topics of the aesthetics of existence, parrhesia and self-care, which are structured through their respective approaches to the Greco-Roman world. This new connection between the two authors allows the development of certain intuitions that define their genealogical analyses of our culture, but which had not captured the attention of specialists. In this paper, we do not try to provide an exhaustive description of all these controversial issues, but to clarify them by examining a specific aspect related to this type of approach to the work of Nietzsche and Foucault: the treatment that both authors offer of the figure of Plato in relation to questions such as the philosophical life, the will to truth, or the ethics of self-care. Thus, revisiting the lessons given by the young Nietzsche in Basel and the courses and writings of the late Foucault allows us to make his reconstruction of Platonism more complex, going beyond the cliché that identifies Plato as the founder of metaphysics.
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