The inner woman in Nietzsche-Zaratustra


  • José Medina Rosas Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain



anima, analitical psychology, Zarathustra, transformation


The different types of affirmations that Nietzsche makes in his work about women have been understood and criticized from different points of view, attending not infrequently to the prevailing social assessment in each place and in each time, but this judgment of the spirit of the times, while very interesting and pertinent, is not really in keeping with the nature of Nietzsche's own work. We propose a reading of what women mean in and from Nietzsche's work, taking into account his own psychology, what it means to deal with the «inner woman» in the philosopher, mainly through some texts that speak about the woman extracted from Thus Spoke Zarathustra -especially from the end of its third part-, resorting to the study of Nietzsche's masterpiece by C. G. Jung, as well as his concept of the anima. Nietzsche's relationship with the inner woman opens a new way to understand the meaning of the philosopher's work.


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How to Cite

Medina Rosas, J. (2023). The inner woman in Nietzsche-Zaratustra. Estudios Nietzsche, (23), 107–133.