Philology, philosophy and Bildung.

An approach to the Nietzschean critique of culture from the perspective of classical philology


  • Aritz Pardina Herrero UNED Spain



Young Nietzsche, Bildung, Classical Philology, Method


This paper deals with the filiation between the critique of philology and the critique of culture in young Nietzsche to redirect the interpretation of his notion of education to some alternative channels to the romantic daydreams of youth from his opera prima. This analysis of the internal causality between the self-biographical and essayistic fragments of youth and later conferences such as “Homer and classical philology” or “On the future of our educational institutions” offers an actualized focus of the philosopher’s idea of Bildung that could also shed some light on his reforming will.


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How to Cite

Pardina Herrero, A. (2021). Philology, philosophy and Bildung.: An approach to the Nietzschean critique of culture from the perspective of classical philology. Estudios Nietzsche, (21), 47–65.