The Man: a worshipping and mistrusting Animal. Natural History of Morals and Passions in Nietzsche’s Works


  • Chiara Piazzesi Universidad de Québec Canada



moral, naturalism, physiology, psychology


By means of the project of a «natural history of morals», we can understand some issues of Nietzsche’s framework, where human «nature», i.e. human physiology and psychology, is linked to morality, norms, and institutions. Exploring these connections through the example of passions (and especially of love), this paper discusses the anthropological account that serves as a basis for the mentioned «natural history of morality».
By doing so, we intend to clarify the importance of becoming aware of the (often implicit) anthropological assumptions lying behind every philosophical project which seeks a transformation of human selfunderstanding


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Author Biography

Chiara Piazzesi, Universidad de Québec

Formación en Filosofía en la Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa y en la Universidad de Pisa y de Lecce. Ha enseñado e invest igado en Italia, Alemania, Brasil y Canadá. Actualmente es profesora del Departmaento de Sociología de la Universidad de Québec en Montréal (UQAM). Coordina el Grupo Internacional de Investiaciones sobre Nietzsche(GIRN). Entre sus publicaciones: Nietzsche: fisiologia dell’arte e décadence (Lecce 2003); Abitudine e potere. Da Pascal a Bourdieu (Pisa 2003); La verità come trasformazione di sé. Terapie filosofiche in Pascal, Kierkegaard e Wittgenstein (Pisa 2009).


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How to Cite

Piazzesi, C. (2013). The Man: a worshipping and mistrusting Animal. Natural History of Morals and Passions in Nietzsche’s Works. Estudios Nietzsche, (13), 53–72.