For a Physiology of the Genealogy


  • María Cristina Fornari Università degli Studi di Pisa Italy



genealogy of morals, physiology, psychology


The Genealogy of Morals is explicitly a polemical work, seeking to illustrate the origin of the cornerstones of modern morality. But according to the conclusions reached with Nietzsche’s doctrine of the will to power, we can understand it as a sign of the Lebens-form that its author represents at that moment. The task of clarifying where the founda- tion of our value positions lies is in fact entrusted to the physiologist: genealogy, with its examples of «distorted morphologies», not only plays down moral systems revealing their historical origin, but shows the psychological and physiological system that is the origin and basis of morality itself.


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Author Biography

María Cristina Fornari, Università degli Studi di Pisa

Investigadora en Historia de la Filosofía de la Universidad de Salento (Lecce). Colabora con Giuliano Campioni en la edición italiana de los Fragmentos Póstumos y Correspondencia publicados por Adelphi, Milán. Entre sus publicaciones: La morale evolutiva del gregge. Niet legge Spencer e Mill, (Pisa 2006) (Traducción alemana: Die
Entwicklung der Herdenmoral. Nietzsche liest Spencer Mill, Wiesbaden 2009).


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How to Cite

Fornari, M. C. (2013). For a Physiology of the Genealogy. Estudios Nietzsche, (13), 27–37.