Paul of Tarsus as a moment of encounter/mismatch of early Heidegger with Nietzsche


  • Virgilio Cesarone Universidad de Salerno Italy



resentment, hope, faith


The aim of this paper is to show analogies and contrasts between Heidegger’s and Nietzsche’s interpretation of the Pauline Epistles. The first step is to show the ambiguity of Paul’s figure in Nietzsche’s thought and his connection with Jesus of Nazareth. Paul, founder of Christianity, created a religion of resentment, empowering the powerless. Heidegger, far from Nietzsche’s philosophical moral approach, reads Paul to investigate the roots of religious life: the Pauline Epistles , above all, deal with the awaiting of Parousia, which, far from being a mere hope, is the completion of all believer’s life.


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Author Biography

Virgilio Cesarone, Universidad de Salerno

Virgilio Cesarone es investigador y docente de filosofía de la religión en la Universidad de Salerno (Lecce, Italia). Sus publicaciones y sus intereses científicos versan sobre la filosofía de la religión y sobre la  antropología filosófica, según un enfoque de matriz hermenéutico-fenomenológico. Publicaciones más  importantes: Mondo e mito. L’analisi dell’esistenza mitica in Martin Heidegger (2001), Per una fenomenologia dell’abitare. Il pensiero di Martin Heidegger come oikosophia, Marietti-1820 (2008).


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How to Cite

Cesarone, V. (2010). Paul of Tarsus as a moment of encounter/mismatch of early Heidegger with Nietzsche. Estudios Nietzsche, (10), 83–96.