Modern Age is burning: Nietzsche and Heidegger.
Nietzsche, Heidegger, metaphysics, earth ominion, the other beginningAbstract
The controversy of Heidegger with Nietzsche has a close goal and a distant one: the close goal is the exhibition of the internal unity of the fundamental Metaphysical position of Nietzsche, according to the position of attention of our time; the distant goal is the unfolding of the question if the supreme struggle is then the Metaphysical fight for earth dominion or if what happens in history can find another beginning that is not already Metaphysical. Nevertheless, the decisive point continues to be hearing Nietzsche, to ask with him, by him and through him, and that means: to ask at the same time against him, but in favour of the unique cause, the common and more intimate cause of western philosophy.
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