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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Periodicity

ESTUDIOS NIETZSCHE publishes one issue per year about a specific topic. Also, the journal welcomes two or three submissions that explore Nietzsche’s relevance to contemporary philosophical problems every year.

2. Sections



   Research materials



3. Languages

The journal accepts articles written in Spanish and English.

4. Evaluation of originals

Firstly, all manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Board, which will take into account various criteria: article resulting from a funded research project, originality, topicality and novelty, relevance for fields covered by the journal, methodological quality, good presentation and writing, compliance with the rules relating to style, content and notes.

Then, the editorial board will send it over to two anonymous expert reviewers out of the Editorial Committee, according to blind review procedures. 

The article evaluation will be closely related to the topic relevance, its contribution to the general knowledge of the specific field, innovations, correction of established relations, critical theory developed, bibliographical sources, style, etc.; the evaluation will also include possible recommendation for the authors.

According to reviewers’ comments, the journal secretary will communicate the revision results by sending an email to the address given by the authors in their paper proposal.

The secretary will bein contact with the corresponding author by informing him/her about the reviewers’ decision (accepted as it is; accepted with minor changes; accepted with major changes; rejected), together will some observations and reviewers’ comments. If the manuscript is accepted with some modifications, the authors should resend a new version of their paper, answering the external reviewers’ suggestions and demands. Articles requiring major changes might be sent back to the Editorial Committee and/or the Scientific Committee in order to verify the validity of the author’s changes.

Once the required changes are evaluated, the Scientific Committee will proceed to thepublication or rejection of the article. The final decision will be made by EditorialCommittee members, and the author will be accordingly notified by the editor-in-chiefor by the editor assistants

Submission of originals implies that the text has not been sent to other journals. The publication supposes the conformity of the texts with the norms of style.

The contents and opinions expressed are the authors' responsibility.

Estudios Nietzsche publish the list of reviewers every year.

5. Rules of publication and format of publications.

Estudios Nietzsche only admits original papers, preferably written in Spanish and English. The selection of manuscripts is based on peer review system. All papers must not have been sent to other journals. Publishing implies that the texts meet the style and literary conventions of Estudios Nietzsche.

Originality and scientific contribution are major assessment criteria. Should the manuscript be revised, the author will be returned a full anonymous report; in the case of a negative review, the author will receive, if required, a detailed feedback on the article. The maximum period for the assessment will be four months. The originals must be sent to the Editorial Board through the submission portal found at the following link: E-mail
address for queries:

Contributions must be sent in two doc or rtf documents: one containing the manuscript, an abstract on English (no more than 100 words) and 4-5 key words; the other one including the author’s personal data, postal and e-mail addresses as well
as the institution or society to which the author is related, up to two publications, and his/her line of research.

Length of contributions: The text must be written in A-4 format, Times 12; footnotes in Times 10. STUDIES: text plus notes 7000-8000 words. The title in english.

The text must be edited in the simplest possible way to enable its adjustment and layout according to the journal style conventions. Avoid dividing words, and also bold letters and underlining. In the heading of the paper, it must be included the title of the paper, the author’s name, and the name of the institution to which the author is related. The footnotes must be added at the bottom of the page, never at the end of the paper or in a different document. The number must be inserted after the punctuation marks, except in the cases of parentheses. The location of charts, figures and graphs must be indicated in a separate file. The term ibid. (italics) is used to refer to the quotation right before it (it can be followed by a comma and the quoted pages); op. cit. (in italics), preceded by the name of the author, is used to refer to a book by this same author previously mentioned in the article; loc. cit. (italics), preceded by the name
of the author, is used to refer to an article or chapter by this same author previously mentioned in the article; cf. will not be written in italics.

Bibliographic references must be written in the following order (please, give attention to punctuation marks):

A. For Nietzsche’s Works and letters, you must use the german abbreviations and give the pages references of Colli-Montinari Edition (cf. section «Siglas»).
All papers in no Spanish language must give reference to German edition Colli-Montinari, and not to whatever translation.

B. The Quotation-Note system (complete) will also be admitted.
• BOOKS: Gilles [or: G.] Deleuze, Nietzsche y la filosofía, trad. de C. Artal, Barcelona: Anagrama, 1986.
• ARTICLES: Mariano [or: M.] Rodríguez González, «Metafísica de la finalidad natural: su metamorfosis en la línea Kant - Schopenhauer - Nietzsche»: Pensamiento 50/198 (1994), 435-455.
• BOOK CHAPTERS: Diego [or: D.] Sánchez Meca, «La tiranía del espíritu y sus formas», en J.E. [or: José Emilio] Esteban Enguita - J. [or: Julio] Quesada, Política, historia y verdad en la obra de F. Nietzsche, Burgos: Huerga y Fierro, 2000, pp.

C. Using the Harvard Author-Date system (simplified
• SURNAME, gap and date (1 st original edition or, where appropiate, translation), e.g.: Deleuze 1971: 35-40.
• FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES will be made by the Harvard Author-Date system. e.g.: Deleuze, Gilles 1971, Nietzsche y la filosofía, trans. C. Artal, Barcelona: Anagrama, 1986.

Authors must send final revised versions of their papers, as the print proofs will not be forwarded.

Authors will receive one copy of the journal and a pdf file containing their contribution


6. Publication schedule

Within a period of 2 months, which may be extended occasionally, the board of directors of the journal will inform the author of the acceptance or rejection of the article, and will report on the observations, opinions and suggestions issued by the external evaluators.

A proof of printing will be sent to the authors that they must review within a maximum of two weeks.

The reception of articles for the open section is open all year. The journal publishes a call for paper every year  with the deadline for submissions.

7. Orders of authors

Estudios Nietzsche applies the Contribution Authorship system in articles written by multiple authors, which implies the exact description of the tasks carried out by each author in the work, together with the figure of the "guarantor", who, in addition to contributing substantially to the work, guarantees , endorses and is responsible for the integrity of the project as a whole before and after publication. In the event that the two authors have carried out the work jointly, the authors will sign in alphabetical order.

8. Sources of funding

Indicate the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research leading to the publication was carried out.

9. Self-archiving policy

The journal allows self-archiving post-print (printed version). It has obtained the green color of DULCINEA and is indexed in SHERPA / Romeo. It has a creative commons license of NoComercial Recognition - NoObraDerivada (by-nc-nd), that is, it does not allow a commercial use of the work or generation of derivative works.

10. Diffusion

Authors are urged to deposit the results of their academic and scientific production in the institution's repository (more information can be found in the guide to the Institutional Repository of the University of Malaga), as well as other websites dedicated to the research dissemination.

11. Processing Fees 

In no case are authors required to pay article processing charges (APC) in this journal.



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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.