Comparison of Family Business Supply Chain Integration of International and Non-International Food Industry Sector of Michoacán




Supply chain integration, International famil business supply chain integration, Non-international family business supply chain integration, Supplier integration, Customer integration
Agencies: NO


The purpose of this research is to compare the integration of the supply chain of international family businesses with the integration of the supply chain of non-international family businesses in the food sector of Michoacán, Mexico, in order to analyze whether there are differences between the relationship of companies with their suppliers and customers given the international context. The supply chain integration is measured through the methodology of arcs of integration, to graphically represent the integration towards suppliers or customers, illustrated through an arc. The measurement instrument was applied to 93 family food manufacturing companies, of which only 14 companies participate in the international market. Statistics such as ANOVA is used to analyze the data and obtain valid results. The study determined that the internationalization of the family business contributes significantly to the integration of the supply chain in terms of suppliers, but not in terms of customers.


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How to Cite

Molina-Quintana, B., & Quintana-León, M. B. (2021). Comparison of Family Business Supply Chain Integration of International and Non-International Food Industry Sector of Michoacán. European Journal of Family Business, 11(2).



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