Topology as Access to Lacanian Theory




psychoanalisis, Lacan, topology, Borromean ring, Desire


This paper carries out a reading of Lacan’s work by the study of its topological figures. Thus, it is stated that Lacanian Psychoanalisis does not take Topology as an external tool in order to bring some exemples and explanations; rather, Lacanian thought is itself topological and therefore it cannot be understood aside
from this dimension which goes through all its path. In order to do so, we will study six figures: the graph of desire, Moebius strip, the torus, Klein bottle, the sphere with a cross-cap and the Borromean ring.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Gómez, P. B. (2021). Topology as Access to Lacanian Theory. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 13(2), 29–52.