Art and Nature in Physics II

Uses and scope of an analogy


  • Alberto Ross a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:24:"Universidad Panamericana";} Mexico



Aristotle, Physics, Nature, Art, Teleology, Analogy


The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the different uses of the analogy between phúsis and tékhne that Aristotle introduces in Physics II. I will try to show that this comparison is referred to in order to exemplify a thesis, but also for arguing or defending a specific position, i.e. it can appear as a didactic resource, but also as a premise for an argument. This is a sign of a peculiar view about the structure of the reality. For ease of presentation, firstly, I will explain the use of the analogy between phúsis and téchne in the context of the definition about what is nature. Secondly, I will present the use of this comparison in the clarification of the two senses of phúsis. Finally, I will explore the apparition of these terms in the argumentation of Physics II 8. In these passages, Aristotle defends the presence of final causes in nature


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How to Cite

Ross, A. (2021). Art and Nature in Physics II: Uses and scope of an analogy. Claridades. Revista De filosofía, 13(1), 51–65.