La aparición del Niño Jesús a San Juan de Dios, fundamento iconográfico de la Orden Hospitalaria. Aproximación al patrimonio artístico y avatares históricos de la ermita del Santo Niño de Gaucín
This article describes an exhaustive historic study about iconograpllical origins of the Hospitable Order, founded in Granada by Saint John of God in the middle of XVI century. On this sense, his vision of the Child Jesus in the forest of "Adelfilla" next to village of Gaucín, in the province of Mrilaga, can be considered a conclusive event into biography whose should be named Father of the Poors, because of his whole service for the other people, ill people specially; being also a "hero" of the Counter Reformation. Along with these aspects, the article studies the isolated sanctuary consecrated to Child Jesus into Eagle's Fortress in Gaucín, ornate with exuberant liaroque gypsum kiln, and its artistic patrimony what includes an interesting sculpture of Saint John of God, dated on XVII century.
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