Alonso Pérez Roldán: A pilot from Malaga in the second voyage of Christopher Columbus


  • David Cuevas Góngora



Malaga, Alonso Pérez Roldán, biography, Christopher Columbus, second trip


In the present study we will reconstruct the biography of Alonso Pérez Roldán, a pilot city of Malaga, who participated in the second voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Indies. His life begins after the conquest and repopulation of Malaga in 1488, where he settled as new inhabitant and ends with his death in the village of Santo Domingo in the Isla Española (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) in the first third of the sixteenth century. During that period, he would place his arrival in the New World in 1493, participating in the exploratory voyage of Columbus to Cuba and Jamaica (1494), his final residence in Santo Domingo, and the activities of his son, Juan Roldán.


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How to Cite

Cuevas Góngora, D. (2015). Alonso Pérez Roldán: A pilot from Malaga in the second voyage of Christopher Columbus. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (34), 325–334.


