Mercantile capital in the crisis of the early 19th century. Three Malaga examples


  • María Begoña Villar García
  • Cristóbal García Montoro



The war situation in the world which was maintained by conflicts of one kind or another between 1793 and 1824, was the source of the disturbances which affected Spanish maritime trading during this period. Trading in the port of Malaga was also hit, together with other catastrophes, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, bad harvests, etc., which accentuated and prolonged the consequences of the difficult commercial situation at the beginning of the XIX century. The Malaga mercantile class, mainly constituted by foreigners, also saw itself affected by these problems in their everyday life and business. In this article we intend to observe the situation of Malaga´  s most important commercial fortunes at the time of the crisis, confirm how they had been affected and what measures were adopted to renew businesses that still maintained a high level of stability.


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How to Cite

Villar García, M. B., & García Montoro, C. (2015). Mercantile capital in the crisis of the early 19th century. Three Malaga examples. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (12).


