The option of contemporaneity in "The Spirit of the Laws"


  • Carmen Romo Parra



Montesquieu, as the emblematic author of the Age of Enlightenment, has inspired a great many writings. His most outstanding work. The spirit of the Laws, resulted in many studies being produced, in the main on the legal-political aspects, but also characterising History as a science. However, and in spite of it not being at all anovelty, but more in the nature of a pilgrimage, the present study arose with the mark of Social and Historical Anthropology the least known part but the richest in this 1748 work. From this point of view, aspects such as the conformation of the general spirit, the basis and beginnings of a scientific legislation are observed, and the fringe sector of society as well as the lack of functioning of the government which had become legitimized due to its use by custom are analused. Montesquieu can be reproached for many things although not for lack of consciousnes but nevertheles perhaps he did not recognise the great importance of his contribution to anthropological studies, so very much in keeping with contemporary thought.


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How to Cite

Romo Parra, C. (2015). The option of contemporaneity in "The Spirit of the Laws". BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (13).


