Moorish populations of Málaga in the 16th century (1568-1571)


  • Juan Jesús Bravo Caro



The 1568 rising of christianized Moors in the kingdom of Granada was to have important negative consequences for the development of the economic and social life of that region. In addition, the vacuum in the population which was produced by the deportation of this minority group, influenced equally the decline of certain districts in the region. This piece of research explores the specific weight of the newly converted community settled in the christianised Moors´   villages in the diocese of Málaga and their distribution in the royal and lordly jurisdictions at the time of the rising. The demographic decrease following Philip II´  s expulsion order, clearly affected the whole of the diocese, according to what can be deduced from a visit which Arevalo de Zuazo, the Magistrate for Málaga, made in 1571.


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How to Cite

Bravo Caro, J. J. (2015). Moorish populations of Málaga in the 16th century (1568-1571). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (13).


