The Significance of the Lineage: Venetian Ambassadors in Madrid during the Reign of Philip IV (1621-1665)


  • David Quiles Albero Instituto Universitario la Corte en Europa (IULCE) - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Spain



Venice, ambassadors, Collegio, Senate, cursus honorum


In this paper we will endeavor to inquire the origin and political career of the Venetian ambassadors in the Spanish court during the reign of Philip IV, as well as delimit the essential elements in the face of their election as legacies of the Serenissima. In view of this, it should be noted that, in regard to electoral processes, Venetian law was extremely stern: seeking to limit the presence of members of the same household in the different embassies or to reduce the prominence of non-institutional relations, whom were considered corruption. Notwithstanding, in the following pages we will try to highlight the ineffectiveness of these regulatory mechanisms to minimize the influence of personal and family interests in order to obtain such important representation positions.


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Author Biography

David Quiles Albero, Instituto Universitario la Corte en Europa (IULCE) - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Alicante (2009-2014). Seguidamente, se trasladó a Madrid donde cursó el Máster Universitario en Historia Moderna: “Monarquía de España” ss. XVI-XVII de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2014-2015). Tras finalizar sus estudios de máster, inició su tesis doctoral sobre las “relaciones hispano-venecianas en el contexto de la Guerra de Candía (1645-1669)” bajo la dirección de los profesores Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (IULCE-UAM) y José Martínez Millán (IULCE-UAM), dentro del programa de Doctorado de Historia Moderna de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2015 – actualidad). Actualmente, disfruta de un contrato pre doctoral FPI-MINECO 2016 anexo al proyecto del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad “De Reinos a Naciones. La tranformación del sistema cortesano (siglos XVIII-XIX)” [Ref. HAR2015-68946-C3-1-P].


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How to Cite

Quiles Albero, D. (2020). The Significance of the Lineage: Venetian Ambassadors in Madrid during the Reign of Philip IV (1621-1665). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (39), 149–169.

