Enlightenment versus Popular Religiousness. The Particular Fact of the Kingdom of Granada


  • Serafín Granada Marín Universidad de Granada Spain




brotherhood, confraternity, enlightened, Enlightenment, religiousness


The repression of popular religiosity by enlightened authorities during the eighteen century was a constant. It was at that time when the Council of Castile, which the Count of Aranda and Campomanes in the lead, tried to put limits to the unbridled religious celebrations of the people. The enlighteneds ones wanted to impose their new type of religiosity, much more intimate and personal, far from the great baroque manifestations of piety.

 The brotherhoods of the Kingdom of Granada which included the departments of Granada, Málaga y Almería, did not escape the rigorous control of the enlighteneds. The main repressive institution was the archbishop of Granada.


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Author Biography

Serafín Granada Marín, Universidad de Granada

Graduado en Historia y máster EURAME.


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How to Cite

Granada Marín, S. (2020). Enlightenment versus Popular Religiousness. The Particular Fact of the Kingdom of Granada. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (39), 285–300. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2019.v0i39.6924

