Analysis of the paleolithic site located in the gravel pits of the Guaro river, municipality of La Vñuela (Málaga)


  • José Enrique Ferrer Palma



This paper presents some of the results obtained during the research carried out on the Paleolithic deposits situated on the River Guaro gravel deposits, at the site of the old ford -now submerged- which linked La Viñuela with its dependency Los Romanes via the MA-129 local road over land currently covered vy the waters of the Viñuela reservoir. The article also includes data compiled on the geomorphological study of the environment, the supply sources, some of the depositional processes, the stratigraphic formations studied as well as the content and nature of the industry defining the deposit.


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How to Cite

Ferrer Palma, J. E. (2015). Analysis of the paleolithic site located in the gravel pits of the Guaro river, municipality of La Vñuela (Málaga). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (14).


