Economic aspects of the Velez-Malaga council at the beginning of the 18th Century


  • Pilar Pezzi Cristóbal



The memory of the Degree thesis we recently defended at the University of Malaga, on the economic aspects of the Regional Council of Velez-Malaga in the 18th Century, is set within the present fields of research by the Department, as those defended for Spanish, historiography in general. The study of urban history is recognised at theoretical level as a concrete, specific area of historical study and has well established methodological rules, which we have taken into account in our research.


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LÓPEZ DE COCA CASTAÑER, J.E. (1977): “El Repartimiento de Vélez-Málaga”, Cuadernos de Historia. Anejos Revista Hispania, 7, Madrid, 357-439.

PEZZI CRISTÓBAL, M.P.: Aspectos económicos del Cabildo de Vélez-Málaga a principios del siglo XVIII, Memoria de Licenciatura, inédita, dirigida por el Dr. D. Siro Villas Tinoco.

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How to Cite

Pezzi Cristóbal, P. (2015). Economic aspects of the Velez-Malaga council at the beginning of the 18th Century. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (16).


