Initiatives for the substitution of men: The project by the syndic of Malaga, Andrés de Vilches (1840)


  • José Jiménez Guerrero



In the nineteen century, a legal way to avoid the compulsory induction to the army was the substitution of a man with another. There were many private companies and associations, promoted by the conscript parents, as well as by the town councils, that promised, with the payment of a certain amount, the engagement of another person. This paper analyze the project submitted by the syndic of Málaga, Andrés de Vilches, to the town council in 1840, in order to create a popular subscription among the males of the town to avoid their induction.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Guerrero, J. (2015). Initiatives for the substitution of men: The project by the syndic of Malaga, Andrés de Vilches (1840). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (17).


