Ideological activity of the town council in XVII century. Malaga situation


  • Federico Fernández Basurte



In the methodological framework of Urban History, and when it comes to the analysis of the town council institution, it is important to establish the differences between the town council functions and those of their members. It is essential to make an approach, among other approaches, to the ideological activity, or to the ideological level of the activity of the town council, and that is what we have done, centring us on the town council of Málaga in the XVII century. We have seek to establish and class the different ways in which the town council takes part of the mentality and the religious experience of the period. For this objective the documentation generated by the town council itself has been used.


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How to Cite

Fernández Basurte, F. (2015). Ideological activity of the town council in XVII century. Malaga situation. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (17).


