Financial planning and social facts in times of evolution in Spain


  • Carmen Romo Parra



Shadows and dreams, placed within a frame of contradictory political evaluations, outline the way in which the financial planning of the 60´s is stated. From these parameters the dynamic of the expressed goals and objectives will lead a political message which emphasizes the importance of learning and the inside development as the accelerator of the economic process towards the building of a new sociological confirmation of reality. Within this context, the message of progress encoded in the circle of the politics of development will be matched with the orchestration of myth and of faith, in light of the reconceptualizations of the symbolic and normative limits in which daily life moves around. It is a strategy bound to make the new production and consumption standards permeable and whose ultimate horizons will finally project the search of a consensus around the political continuation.



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How to Cite

Romo Parra, C. (2015). Financial planning and social facts in times of evolution in Spain. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (18).


