Anius and The Troyan Cycle (Sch. Lyc., Alex. 570)


  • Esther María Moreno Sánchez
  • Francisco Sánchez Jiménez



The central role of Anius, Apollo´s priest from Delos, in some passages of The Troyan Cycle, is an evidence of the increasing importance of Delos in the early stages of ancient Greek history, as we can also see in the great literaty influence of Delos-related themes and in the attempts on the past of the political powers of the Aegean area to exert an influence on this island.


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How to Cite

Moreno Sánchez, E. M., & Sánchez Jiménez, F. (2015). Anius and The Troyan Cycle (Sch. Lyc., Alex. 570). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 2(19).


