The Church of the Encarnacion of Ronda: Eclecticism Architectural and synthesis of natural disasters (16th-18th)
Church of the Encarnacion, Ronda, Kingdom of Granada, Mentalities, Modern AgeAbstract
In this paper we make an approach to the constructive process of the Church of the Encarnación of Ronda, in the light of the documentary sources and contributions from the local chroniclers. The Church of the Encarnación of Ronda, whose background as a space of worship dates back to medieval times, was constituted as the main temple of the city during the modern age. However, its construction process, traced back into the conquest of the city by the Catholic monarchs and the consecration of the temple, would last until the 18th century. In this way, it would find various kinds of natural disasters which impacted directly on the temple, but with several difficulties which would prevent the effective functioning of the factory until practically the end of the Old Regime.Downloads
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