Climatic and bioclimatic approximation of the upper basin of río Grande (rivulet Zarzalones, Yunquera).


  • José Jesús Delgado Peña



It is always interesting to study the climatic conditions of a determinate area, but it is something difficult to realize when there is a lack of data because of the inexistence of stations in the zone. In this case, we face the climatic characterization of the upper basin of río Grande (rivulet Zarzalones), using the data from three different stations around the area. In order to make a better study of the climatic variability inside the zone, we develop a bioclimatic characterization project with florictic indicators.


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How to Cite

Delgado Peña, J. J. (2015). Climatic and bioclimatic approximation of the upper basin of río Grande (rivulet Zarzalones, Yunquera). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (21).


