The dynamics of landscape of the Costa del Sol since the emergence of tourism.


  • Federico Benjamín Galacho Jiménez
  • Ana Luque Gil



The landscape and its diversity constitutes a fundamental resource of tourism as an economic activity in any surrounding or touristic destination. On the Costa del Sol, the landscape, nowadays, after fifty years of touristic activity is profoundly influenced by humans, having gone to being more a product of refined urban life tan a natural creation. Here the effects on the countryside of the implantation and development of tourism are analyzed, not taking into account so much the conservational aspects, as the part tourism plays in the configuration of territorial reality, complex and controversial from the point of view of landscaping and the countryside.


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How to Cite

Galacho Jiménez, F. B., & Luque Gil, A. (2015). The dynamics of landscape of the Costa del Sol since the emergence of tourism. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (22).


