The silence of Herodotus and the processes of asébeia in the time of Pericles.


  • José Antonio García González



The publication and finalization of the work of Herodotus, as it has been conserved, takes place during the first years of the war of Peloponeso. During this period takes place a series of asébeia processes whose ultimate motive seems to be political, and where are implied a series of personalities takes place a one thought and culture, tied somehow to Pericles and the intellectual circle, forged around him. Herodotus suspocious attitude, silencing and evidencing an excessive wisdom when speaking about religious topics and naming the Jonic thinkers, related with this Athenian intellectual circle, to the one that belongs, allows to ask the question about the existence of some kinds of relationship between this herodotean point of view and the asébeia processes, justifying in a certain way, that autocensorship related to the author.


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How to Cite

García González, J. A. (2015). The silence of Herodotus and the processes of asébeia in the time of Pericles. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (23).


