Content of the environmental impact study of urban plans. Methodological adaptation to law 7/94 of environmental protection of the autonomous comunity of Andalusia and its regulations.


  • Federico Benjamín Galacho Jiménez
  • José Ortiz García



The technical term "Environmental Impact Study" can be split up in two parts : the first of them, "Study", refer to a document that is form a part of a administrative process, the assessment process that develop the Law 7/94. The second part, the concept "Environment Impact", get us to a complex reality: the valuation of effects and the integration in the environment of the proposals that are making from the urban plans. Firstly, we try to centre the theme conceptually. Continuously, we make a appoximation to the meaning, objective and particularity of the "Environment Impact" with relation to the urban plans. After doing it, we apporach to the daily experience. And, finally we propose a geographical methodology and contents, which its is adaptation to the Law, suppose a effort to consider a subject from the explanation scientific point of view.


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How to Cite

Galacho Jiménez, F. B., & Ortiz García, J. (2015). Content of the environmental impact study of urban plans. Methodological adaptation to law 7/94 of environmental protection of the autonomous comunity of Andalusia and its regulations. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (23).


