Megalithic, agriculture and social complexity: some considerations.


  • José Enrique Márquez Romero



It was traditionally believed that the first groups of farmers in western Europe, who searched for economic and territorial settlement, used funerary structures and other monuments to legitimise a direct relationship between these structures and the use of the soil where these structures and the said monuments were erected. A related argument to this is the believe that these monuments contributed to support the social order. Both ideas, that can be considered functionalist, still have an important implicit or explicit influence in the interpretation of megalithic monuments in the Iberian Peninsula. This essay intends to provide a criticism of some of these theoretical or empirical principles on which these interpretations of megalithic monuments rely.


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How to Cite

Márquez Romero, J. E. (2015). Megalithic, agriculture and social complexity: some considerations. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (24).


