Time of freedom for freedom. Some notes on the criticism of the alienation of leisure in the advanced industrialized society


  • Carmen Romo Parra




While the free time constitutes a basic seasoning of the contemporary dynamics of modemization, we will study the critica! approaches that do visible the instrumentalización of the leisure as mere space for the rest and as privileged sphere for the desirable increment of the consumption. Thus, we will try to outline the intellectual commitment and citizen that imply the perspectives of the School of Francfort, the proposed theoreticians of the "New left" and the revision of the orthodoxy marxist. Ali they, since the answer to the culture, the mentalities and the ways of life developed around the alienated centrality of the world of the production in the breast of the industrial civilization advanced, they will claim a liberating social construction of every time of the life, be called time of work or free time of that, that build the key premise of richer, democratic one more contact and, in final, human.


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How to Cite

Romo Parra, C. (2015). Time of freedom for freedom. Some notes on the criticism of the alienation of leisure in the advanced industrialized society. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (25). https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2003.v0i25.394


