The eternal myth of the development of Malaga: propaganda, tourism and economic progress in the 1920s


  • Mª José González Castillejo



In the twenties the press published plenty of reports and information about shops, factories and industries in the city of Málaga and its province, and the owners of those establishments used to do regular advertising. This is a sign of their power, as well as their need to encourage consumption, possible at the time for certain social classes, and reflect, then, of an increase in their life standard and purchasing capacity. The nation was becoming a modem country. Málaga should not stay behind in a battle in wich, on the other hand, the development of tourism was essential. For this purpose, there was a continuous advertising strategy and the organizations carried out sorne actions to increase tourism through sport, films, literature, posters and the words wich were spoken, written and sung.


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How to Cite

González Castillejo, M. J. (2015). The eternal myth of the development of Malaga: propaganda, tourism and economic progress in the 1920s. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (25).


