Capacity and sustainability: a methodological proposal for the competitive innovation of touristic borough


  • Mª Luisa Gómez Moreno et al.



Environmental quality (sustainability) and service quality are being argued as a way to do more competitive the mature sun and beach destination, that are living the competition of young destinations. This paper presents a methodologic proposal whose main aim is helping to the local stakeholders in these destination to modify their behaviour in order to take on their economic and environmental skills these issues of sustainability and quality. This methodology is interdisciplinary in two ways: On the one hand, it arranges the methodologies belonging to tourist studies with that of the local development studies. On the other hand, it arranges the methodologies belonging to the study workteam: geographers, anthropologists and economists.


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How to Cite

Gómez Moreno et al., M. L. (2015). Capacity and sustainability: a methodological proposal for the competitive innovation of touristic borough. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (27), 115–143.


