A monument as a symbol. The expressiveness of the New Bridge of Ronda in the XX Century


  • Rafael Valentín López Flores




Ronda’s New Bridge is one of those monuments that, through the centuries, they have become true icons; representative images of the cities in those that run off with. A monument that has passed over opposite, not identifying alone to a population, but to an entire group. A group that we can identify with that of the romantic Andalusia. Circumstance that has ended up being possible thanks to the multitude of graphic and plastic representations that you/they have had it as main character. Very demonstrative representations that began to take place around final of the XVIII century that had in the XIX one their maximum splendor, and that they are prolonged until our days. Tradition that had in the XX century a period of great splendor, characterized by the peculiar coalition between the romantic tradition and the new roads of renovation of the plastic language. Productions of the XX century that are those that give cause to this study, and that we will study analyzing their features and more specific and more prominent examples.


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How to Cite

López Flores, R. V. (2015). A monument as a symbol. The expressiveness of the New Bridge of Ronda in the XX Century. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (27), 9–39. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2005.v0i27.308


