Homes and dwellings in the demographic exploration of the urban planning


  • Carmen Ocaña Ocaña



The demographic projection is a habitual tool in the urban planning. Frequently their results are handled as an independent variable with which new urban developments are justified. Actually, the relations between population and urban growth are much more complex, existing clear interconnections in both senses. This work analyzes two concrete aspects that must be considered in the demographic prospecting for the city planning. First, the importance that must
be granted to the households projection. Second, it is considered how the own urbanization and more concretely the house market can affect the demographic evolution. 


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How to Cite

Ocaña Ocaña, C. (2015). Homes and dwellings in the demographic exploration of the urban planning. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 1(28), 507–525.


