Indicators for the measure of social vulnerability situations. Proposal realised in the framework of an European project


  • Susana R. Navarro Rodríguez
  • Remedios Larrubia Vargas



When analyzing the social reality, especially the vulnerability situations, diverse focuses have been used and technical that have raised intense debotes on their suitability. Without an unanimous agreement exists in the scientific community when to settle down which is the most appropriate method, yes certain decantation is appreciated toward the systems of social indicators. In this article the trajectory is presented and characteristic of this technique, as well as the system of social indicators to take a short cut the proposed social exclusion and applied in the mark of an European project.


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How to Cite

Navarro Rodríguez, S. R., & Larrubia Vargas, R. (2015). Indicators for the measure of social vulnerability situations. Proposal realised in the framework of an European project. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 1(28), 485–506.


