Water and rural society in Montes de Málaga: hydraulic systems in the dispersed hábitat of XIX century


  • Rafael Blanco Sepúlveda
  • Mª Luisa Gómez Moreno




In a social and academic context of worry by the shortage of the water resources, and of interest by the conservation of the ethnographic patrimony, the paper studies the relation between society and water in the mediterranean mountain, concretely in Montes de Malaga. It has been analyzed the relation between water resources and the hydraulic systems employed in the traditional dispersed habitat. The water resources of Montes de Malaga, more than scarce, they are marked by a strong seasonal contrast and by a growing superavit with the altitude. With regard to the hydraulic systems, the water provisioning strategies (wells and mines), conduction (channelings of clay, atarjeas and alcubillas) and storage of water (albercas and aljibes) indicate the continuity of the andalusies systems, despite the intense socioeconomic and cultural changes occurred between the establishment of those and the context of this dispersed
habitat (s. XIX-XX).


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How to Cite

Blanco Sepúlveda, R., & Gómez Moreno, M. L. (2015). Water and rural society in Montes de Málaga: hydraulic systems in the dispersed hábitat of XIX century. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 1(28), 259–281. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2006.v1i28.261


