Yo soy Egipto. The power and the seduction of Cleopatra in Fine Arts and cinema


  • Belén Ruiz Garrido




The figure of Cleopatra has a special place in the female iconographic universe. Her historical image has been frequently tinged with legend, in whose creation artists have taken an
active part through their gazes. The sovereign of Egypt provides the most delicious ingredients to inspire and nurture the male interests, desires and dreams. From this point of view the women’s practise of power cannot be understood without the conscious use of the female stereotyped elements. Cleopatra with her rare and exotic beauty, her insatiable sexual appetite and her extreme passion turns into seduction queen who draws, destroyes and finally leads to death. The Nile country offers also the perfect location for those who enjoy exotic things. This essay deals with the aesthetics and expressive possibilities of the legend through a selection of the most significant plastic and film works.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Garrido, B. (2015). Yo soy Egipto. The power and the seduction of Cleopatra in Fine Arts and cinema. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 1(28), 167–194. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2006.v1i28.258


